What are the popular foods grown in Africa?

By Samson Ogaye

Agriculture is a major source of earnings to many economies in Africa, and the continent grows myriads of foods for commercial as well as subsistence purposes. In this article, we will highlight different indigenous foods as well as non –indigenous ones grown in the continent. 

African Potato

African potato is a non-native root and tuber grown in many parts of Africa. Unlike sweet potatoes, African potatoes are rich in protein, easily cooked, stored, and grown. Even though the African potatoes grow in many parts of the continent, you will find different of its species. There’s the northern variety as well as southern African native potatoes. 


Sorghum is among the top major food crops in Africa, and even though many people in the continent shifted to consuming rice, wheat, maize, and potatoes, sorghum history dates back to 4000 years ago when it was a major food source and Africa ‘s second important cereal. The crop is largely grown in the horn of Africa, and it’s a staple food in Asia as well. Once harvested, it’s processed to flour to make porridge, sorghum Ugali, beer, flatbreads, and you can use the seeds as livestock feed. The crop is also drought-resistant and can withstand heavy rain as well as warm tropical temperatures. 


Maize is a popular African food used in making Ugali, a common dish popular in the east and central Africa. Once harvested, it’s processed to flour used for cooking Ugali. It can be fermented to prepare porridge, as well as beer, and the grains can be used as a poultry feed with the stems of the crops as livestock feed and in the making of manure. 

Fruits and vegetables such as mango, oranges, papaya, and avocado

A couple of fruits are grown in Africa while others are indigenous and grow in the wild but used as fruits. Popular tropical fruits grown in the continents include Avocado, mango, papaya, and oranges, bananas, which can be cooked or eaten ripe. A couple of indigenous vegetables are grown in the continent as well and used as a complement for Ugali, sweet potatoes, yams, among others.

Africa Global News Publication

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