Indeed, there were lots of harsh “observations” made about Africans in the past by the whites who visited some parts of the continent in the early days of the “partitioning”. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1798, which redefined the term “NEGRO” was one document of proof of the so-called observations which heavily abused, denigrated and humiliated the black race.
The document constantly used most demeaning terms in describing bodily features of Africans – all of whom they erroneously referred to as “NEGROES”. They used that mainly as their main weapon of provocation; that was evident when they introduced the entry of negro in the Encyclopedia Britannica as; “…NEGRO: Homo pelli nigra, a name given to a variety of the human species, who are entirely black, and are found in Torrid zones, especially in that of Africa which lies within the tropics…”. Then it continues; “…in the complexion of negroes, we meet with various shades; but they differ from other men in all the features of their face; round cheeks, high cheek-bones, a forehead somewhat elevated, a short broad, flat nose, thick lips, small ears, ugliness and irregularity of shape characterized their external appearance …”
Those were some of the havoc wrecked on us, contained in the Encyclopedia Britannica. As if the frivolous references to our physical attributes was not enough, the exaggeration continued on our character. But the question on whether the character traits identified suited us and really exist among us is the point of deliberation here: “…Vices are the most notorious seemed to be the portion of this unhappy race; idleness, treachery, revenge, cruelty, impudence, stealing, lying, profanity, debauchery, nastiness and intemperance are said to have extinguished the principles of natural law, and to have silenced reproofs of conscience among them…” According to the encyclopedia.
But centuries down the lane of those monumental blows dealt to our race; did we wake up to the realization that aside those flawed physical descriptions which are clearly not logical, all those negative character traits “observed” about our race were not true? Or we woke up, looked into the mirror, found those same things and even worse about ourselves and so decided not to talk about it. If we put the cap on our head as a race, won’t it fit us squarely?
Is it not true that the average young African is lazy and simply unindustrious and would not want to engage in any productive activity? Instead of breaking new bounds in life, they would like to while away their time at game and video centers or if lucky to have some money, will spend it at bet centers – betting on games they do not have any control over. How can someone who lives in an obscured part of Africa determine the outcome of a football match being played in Spain or Germany? So can we not have our young people invest in productive ventures that the current absurdity we are seeing around us?
Is it not true that people of the black race are cruel to each other? Talking about cruelty, is it not among Africans that they say the “Pull Him Down” (PHD) syndrome is genetic? People are cruel to the extent, that they engage in acts that deprive others off their jobs, although they do not have the required qualifications to occupy those positions themselves. They do this without thinking about the effects their actions are likely to cause their victims and their families.
Stealing and lying; is this one also a lie told about our race? We have a continent that boast of the most corrupt countries on earth; where people see working in the public service as means of enriching themselves and their families. Can we claim innocence of stealing and lying to our people when Dubai is fast becoming populated with African Presidents and ministers with their families who now find home in the heart of the Emirates? When they are asked about their strong “exotic taste”, they use their ministries of “Misinformation” to throw more load off gibberish at the hoi polloi.
Even in our houses, some mothers teach their children the “art” of lying. When a mother hides from a creditor and tell her children to inform the creditor that she is not at home, meanwhile she is just right behind the door; what do you expect those children to learn from the mother? Is it not all lies? That child will never be bold to confront realities of life without telling a lie.

Revenge: among Africans, retaliation is a must! It is only God who forgives– they do not! An average African will hardly let go. In fact, if the assertion that revenge is only for weak people and that, strong people let go easily is true, then are we a continent of weak people? Right here in Ghana, there were instances where even love turned sour and lovers poured acid on their partners for allegedly cheating on them. Don’t we take pleasure in revenge than in forgiveness?
So what at all is contained in those observations that was not true about our race? Is it impudence and intemperance? But are they not all over the place?… Or don’t we see, hear and feel their manifestations? Our leaders who are supposed to serve us demonstrate gross disrespect on our televisions and radios daily when they are asked simple and well deserved questions on issues relating to the economy and welfare of the citizenry. They grow horns, become increasingly arrogant and insensitive to the plights of their people. They only find the need to be humble when the polls are getting closer. They have no reverence for the ordinary voter in their utterances. You see how electioneering campaigns are run here in Africa? Vilification and name calling is the modus operandi to get their opponents off their way.
Now, look into my eyes and tell me debauchery, profanity and nastiness are all not true; that they were cooked up by a racist to make our race ugly. Now look back at yourself and tell me why that uncle of yours was not able to put up even a single room after retiring as a banker even though he had always been regular at drinking spots during his active days. Tell me why that cousin of yours was unable to continue his masters degree program even though his parents were ready to sponsor his education. Was it not all about his excessive “pubbing” and “clubbing” habit? Those were acts of debauchery they talked about.
Most young men in Africa have insatiable appetite for drinking, having fun and indulging in all manner of sexual activities – the nastiness and profanity! Fathers after chasing all women around will unleash their Iibido on their biological daughters!
The profanity and nastiness even continue into the churches! Pastors sleep freely with the women in their congregation with no shame. Could anyone have painted a truer picture than this?
It is not too late to shake ourselves off these unpleasant realities. We are capable of turning things round; instead of using our televisions to perpetuate these moral decadence and awkward behavioral traits, we can use it to purge ourselves and to “format” our corrupt minds. Let us redefine and regulate our radio and television contents. We have allowed much of foreign contents to infiltrate our media space over the years.
Our TV program producers should feature more of local movies that tell excellent moral stories. When we start from there, we can be certain to achieve greater moral heights because the media is fast shaping the lives of our young people.
Syllabic contents in schools , especially in primary schools must be designed to carry more of value-inculcating topics. This certainly will help bend the branch whiles it is still green.
Do you know that in Japanese schools, the early three years of the children is dedicated to teaching them good manners and virtues for character development alone? They do not write examinations on the usual academic stuffs; Yes, Japanese scholars teach virtues first before knowledge!
I believe we can also replicate this method all over Africa. That will be a sure way to write off the negatives in our character from the upcoming generation and get rid of the idleness, treachery, revenge, cruelty, impudence, debauchery, nastiness, profanity and the rest.
Africa is Life and Life is Africa! We cannot continue to shield these unpleasant realities among us. The earlier we accept the bitter truths about our race, the earlier we find solutions to our problems. Let us prove the racists wrong!
Africa Global News Publication