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Understanding the Principles of Life by Henry Ukazu

Dear Destiny Friends, Life is governed by laws and principles. If one misses the principles and laws, it might be difficult for them to succeed.

Life has many dynamics and navigating through life can be very challenging.

In the course of this article, I will share some insights on how one can overcome the challenges of life. This article will focus on human relationships because that’s one of the best ways to live through life.

Whether in marriage, business, academia, politics, leadership, or entertainment, there are principles, ethics, codes of conduct, laws and rules governing them. When you miss any of them, there’s bound to be consequences. In marriage, for instance, when there’s constant infidelity, domestic violence and lack of communication, there’s a huge tendency for the marriage to break down.

In business, when you don’t have the right systems and structures, it will be difficult to scale up. The same applies to leadership, politics, and professional establishments; when you go against the rules or code of conduct, you are bound to pay the price. The inherent message here is that life is governed by laws and principles, nothing exists on its own. There’s always a corresponding reaction from every action.

It is very sad however, to know that many people just live their life carelessly with hope that life and things will align for them. This is a wrong notion and understanding of life. These shallow minds fail to understand that you can’t build something on nothing, nor can you give what you don’t have. It’s quite unfortunate to know that some people even live their life based on luck, failing to understand that luck only meets prepared minds.

It should be noted that there’s nothing in life that doesn’t have a pattern. Everything in life is governed by a process. Nothing exists on its own, just as no human being exists on their own. We all need one another to thrive. Again, look at the human body, no human organ exists on its own, they all depend on each other to function well.

For one to succeed as an individual, you must learn the art of human relationship. It’s a skill you must learn whether you like it or not. Human relationship is a currency which can attract goodwill if properly harnessed. It should be noted that in this kingdom called life, who hates you does not matter but who likes you really matters. Who likes you can create a million dollar opportunity for you that can change the course of your life. The question you should be asking yourself is how do I attract these people into my life? Your greatest prayer is for these men and women to find favour in you. When they do, they can break protocol for you. Do you know that men can redefine the possibilities of your life? This will only work when you know how to tap into the right principles of life.

You may be wondering what these principles are? While there are a million and one principles, your major concern is to identify the right principle that will work for you. To attract great people into your life, you must study their work, know the causes they support, the kind of principles they adopt, the books they read, the mistakes they made, their vision to life and their attitudes to life. These will give you an insight into their personality. When you do so, you have answered fifty percent of the questions.

Do you know that there are people you can’t cast away even if you don’t like them. Your ability to decipher the right form of wisdom to relate closely with them can be the game changer of your life. When you meet this set of people, your greatest prayer should be “Lord grant me favour to pass through their gate. This set of people may not fit into your ideal man/woman, but the truth is that you need them to get to your destination, and this takes humility to come through. Note that you will be making a big mistake when you talk too much instead of listening more.

These set of people might be the gatekeepers, custodians or even the influencers that can change the trajectory of your life. You will be foolish to disregard them and say, you’ll pray your way out.  When these people despise you, it will take divine intervention for you to overcome their rejection. Nor matter how bad they are, they have favours, graces and opportunities coming to them by virtue of their position or gift which you must tap into to succeed. 

These sets of people may be planned by God to do a particular job or fulfil a particular role. They may not even look at it or qualify for the position, but again, that’s how life and nature programmed it. A typical example is the former President of the United States of America Donald Trump, who many people were surprised at how he was able to beat Hillary Clinton to become the US president. President Trump simply applied the right principles which in this case can be the language the people the people wanted to hear. Moral: God can place certain people in different positions to fulfill certain purposes for his glory or for someone. Be smart.

In our contemporary society, we have seen people who pray and do little or no work. My humble advice to them is don’t pray blind prayers or read to get good grades and forget the value of human relationships and mentorship, which place you ahead of your contemporaries, who were getting good grades.

In life, sometimes, you must roll your sleeves and ask how it’s been done technically, professionally, spiritually, socially, and academically. If it entails speaking the ‘street language’, please do. That goes to show how smart you can be when you think out of the box. After all, if you want to get something from a child, you’ll have to bend down, true or false?

Another way to understand the right approach to prayer can be seen when people pray. There are right ways of praying and there are wrong ways of praying. According to the Holy Book, it was recorded that a certain man was praying to God and he said, he was a good man who doesn’t commit sin like his tax collector colleague. At the end of the day, his prayer was not answered, God answered the prayer of the other man who asked forgiveness and admitted he was a sinner. The inherent message here is that of understanding. One of the men prayed right and the other had a proud outlook.

In conclusion, as you approach life, be mindful of how you relate with human beings through your thoughts, words, and action. Your ability to apply the right principles, laws, codes, rules and more importantly, attitudes will determine how far you will go in life.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He’s a Human Capacity & mindset coach. He’s also a public speaker, youth advocate and creative writer. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Design Your Destiny – Actualizing Your Birthright To Success

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