The public was invited this past Saturday, July 27, 2019 to a ground-breaking ceremony to mark the beginning of construction of a new building for the Leanna Hicks Public Library of Inkster located at 2500 Hamlin, Inkster, MI 48141. It is expected that the doors of the new library will open in the spring of 2020.

The library has long outgrown its old building located in the old Civic Area of Downtown Inkster. The old library was only 6000 square-feet building while the new library will be 10,000 square feet, almost twice the size of the current library.
Features of the new library include space for expanded collections of books and ebooks, a larger children’s section and dedicated teen area, a multi-use program room, more computers and technology equipment, a work space with wi-fi, and ample parking.
“We are looking forward to not only jumpstarting our new development to serve the public but also move toward restoring education in the City of Inkster. A 21st century library system is needed in this day and age to empower local residents with increasing digital literacy skills, financial empowerment, implementing career, technical education and job matches to empower our families in Inkster.” says, Leanna Hicks Library Board President Akindele Akinyemi.
Akinyemi is the first Nigerian in the history of Inkster, Michigan to lead a capital improvement project that is estimated at $2.2 million to build once the library project is completed. At the time of his election he was only the fourth Nigerian-American ever elected in the State of Michigan, however, he opted not to run for a second term for the Leanna Hicks Library Board of Inkster in this year’s upcoming elections to focus more on Trans-Africa economic development between Western Wayne County and sub-Saharan Africa. Akinyemi is also the President and CEO of the prestigious Global African Business Association (GABA) and has credited both GABA and the Leanna Hicks Library of Inkster for making a serious effort to restore education in the City of Inkster.