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HomeHistoryHistory of the African Calabash

History of the African Calabash

The African calabash is product of a gourd plant. Normally, this gourd fruit has to be allowed time to mature before it is plucked hollowed out to remove the content mainly seeds. It is placed out in the sun to dry up. With time, the green color fades as it becomes hard. It is ready for use at this point. According to the history of the African calabash, this item is used by many communities. Today, for instance, the calabash is still used widely.

Originally, it was used as a food holder or to make musical instruments.  In the modern setting these African calabashes are used as home décor. They are still upheld as important; some traditional eating places entertain tourists by serving them native recipes in calabashes.  They are also bought for home use or for decoration. If you want the calabash decorated, you can go to a craftsman who will change the plain look into a sophisticated piece of art.

Digging deeper in history of the calabash, findings show that the calabash was among the very first crops that man cultivated. Calabashes are easy to maintain. However, one should not leave them in water for long. They have to be kept in a dry place after washing.  It can break easily though and should be handled with care.

It is said to add palatable taste to water and does not have any impurities that can poison food or water even when stored in it for a long time. Experts agree that calabashes are environment friendly and would be a better idea than plastic. The African calabash is one of the products that have been regarded as a planet saver. Once it breaks or become unusable, it can be disposed and it will decay naturally without polluting the soil. The history of the African calabash has truly ascertained that this is a valued product and it will always be in use across multiple cultures.

By Mary Njogu

Sources: Wikipedia, BBC, Wisegeek  

Africa Global News Publication

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