Different societies in Africa preserved their history via oral, spoken, as well as written forms passed from one generation to another. There is a huge debate about the onset of African history with some saying it began with the history of Europeans in Africa. Others say with the transatlantic slave trade, sailors’ movement to the coastal line, and other foreign adventures to Africa. , Arguably, what‘s written about Africa regardless of who wrote it forms basis for study of Africa history. Read on to get a gist of the diverse methods used in studying African history:
Oral Tradition
Oral tradition has been for many years a source as well as resource for studying Africa histories. Not until the new millennium, the old used to gather the new and tell them stories about Africa past. Most of the stories were told at night as well as during initiations, marriage, as well as other ceremonies. They touched on different African philosophies, culture, religion, music, dance, crafts, as well as rituals, etc. Most of these stories was documented in written forms today and studied in various history curriculums in Africa educations systems.

Written Forms
Documentary sources for African histories exists in form of books, articles, literatures, among other pieces of writing documents by either Africans or Europeans. The one limitation of written sources documenting African history is that they are scattered all over the world and this makes it difficult to retrieve. Moreover, a bunch of them were written by non-Africans who many current African believe that they had not much understanding about the continent. Many of them only visited the Africa coastlines with only a few colonialist venturing deep into the African History.
Archaeological Sources
Many archaeological sources still exists in Africa and used to study its history. Archaeology is the only source of studying African history that has been accepted for many years, and frankly speaking, it is the only source of information Africa has about its history. Archaeological sources in the continent can prove the existence of diverse events, places, and personalities in existence in African history.
The above are the diverse methods used to study African history. However, with the dawn of technology, it is becoming easier know to preserve African histories for future generations to study. Many books, videos, programs nowadays tells the African story.
By Samson Ogaye
Africa Global News Publication