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Work on your purpose

Greetings destiny friends,

The strength of any building lies in the foundation which holds the building together. It is better to have a strong foundation and weak facade than to have a beautiful façade and have a faulty foundation. The height anyone can attain in life is tantamount to the drive they have. To a greater extent, your success in life will be as a result of the effort you invest in your passion or ambition.

Vision is the roadblock to life. It’s generally said, without a vision, the people perish. Vision gives clarity. Isn’t it true that if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll likely end up somewhere else? We all need vision in life because you are more likely to succeed in life when you have a vision board.

It’s instructive to note that dreams are the touchstones of our characters because it reflects to a reasonable extent, our core values. Your vision reflects your desired mental future; it can also be regarded as your “why” or even your internal purpose of existence.

To accomplish a vision, you must have a mission. It’s important to differentiate between mission and vision as it relates to an individual and organization. Your personal vision guides you.  It reflects your goals and influences your everyday decisions. As it relates to an organization, the mission defines the present state of affairs or an organization which can be regarded as the modus operandi for executing the vision of the organization.  

Every organization has a mission and vision board. The mission board can be regarded as the pathway to success, while the vision is the ideal purpose why the organization is in existence. For a lack of better words, the vision can be regarded as the solution to the pain the world is experiencing. 

Let me elaborate a little. Imagine if you want to make a one-minute pitch using mission and vision, your mission is the road roadmap which is the model you will use to accomplish your purpose. In my company, Gloemi, out model is (P.L.A.N). Each of the letters represents the work we do and the vision we represent, while the vision is the problem you are trying to solve. In my company, the problem we solve is related to assisting High School and College students, budding entrepreneurs, and career professionals to discover their purpose in order to unleash their potentials. We are very big on self-discovery. We strongly believe no human being should go to the grave without unleashing their potentials.  

As a human being, you are supposed to have a vision board and a vision statement. This mission and vision statement should be the guiding principle of your life. But it’s quite unfortunate many people just pass through the surface of the world without living it to the fullest.  If I may ask you, what’s your vision in life?

Your vision can be found in your interest. Your interest can be seen in your passion and your passion can be seen in your heart and in your heart lies what makes you happy. Where you work can also determine your interest in life, but again, it is not a complete picture. This is because there are situations where some people work in industries, organizations, companies, or agencies they are not passionate about just to pay the bills or as a starting point in life. 

Regardless of where you are working, the situation, or life experience that has humbled you, your vision should keep you alive In keeping your vision alive, it is imperative you associate with like minds, and organizations that share similar interests with you.

Your vision must be laser-focused like the eyes of an eagle. It must be crystal clear for everyone to see. When people come across you,  they shouldn’t contemplate or imagine what you stand for in life especially in this age of social media when the internet has made the world a global village. It is very easy for people to know what you are passionate about by merely looking at the contents you post or publish on social media.

Let me share one personal experience with you, as an immigrant in the U.S.A, after graduating from New York Law School, it was very difficult to find a career job because I studied a major I wasn’t passionate about due to the influence of my late dad, I had to work as a security guard while exploring other opportunities. While working as a security guard, I was inspired to write a book by one of my mentors who read one of my articles and saw a vision I didn’t imagine. I listened to her and at the end of the day, I published a trailblazer book Design Your Destiny which has been one of the best things that have happened to me.

Due to the impact the book made, I was inspired to form a company after been profiled by News12 Interviews Henry Ukazu and  New York Times Interviews Henry Ukazu. The moral of this story is that it is my vision that kept me alive. I didn’t allow my environment, life experience, or even the security job to define me.

Again, I’m going to ask you, what’s that one thing that can keep you up and you can do it even though you are not getting paid?

Working on purpose is one of the best feelings if not the best feelings one can ever have. Imagine being paid for what you love to do. The feeling is priceless because you are in alignment with your passion, profession, vocation, and calling.

In working on your vision, either for yourself or your organization, it must be unique. It must fit your passion, values, and authenticity. It must be simple for everyone to understand and join; it must benefit humanity.

To create a vision,  you need to know what matters to you, you must have secret frustrations, passions, and dreams that keep you awake; your vision should be able to give you happiness and joy, it must align with your values, and it must reflect on the accomplishment and legacy you will like to see in the world.

In conclusion, do you feel like you are walking through your life in the dark? Do you feel you are merely existing as opposed to living? Do you feel you have more to accomplish but don’t know how to go about it? Do you feel lost?  Do you sometimes feel confused, have no idea or clear vision about your life? If yes, don’t be hard on yourself, I once experienced it and many people do feel the same way, I can assist you in giving you clarity. Just reach out via and we’ll be glad to serve you.

Henry Ukazu

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He’s a Human Capacity & mindset coach. He’s also a  public speaker. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Design Your Destiny – Actualizing Your Birthright To Success and President of He can be reached via

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