Intervals between Intimacy

Often we are imperceptive of the impact toxic parents, siblings or family in general can have on a developing mind, the influence that is exerted can in some cases be detrimental. 
Sometimes toxicity is conveyed on purpose, not even accidentally.
Adolescents unable to express emotion without passive aggresive conflict
Parents prohibits us to voice our opinion, they see it as disrespectful or are they too strict?
Parents oblivious that their subliminal control of etiquette can lead to chronic trauma.

A relationship driven by fear, Fear of rejection, Fear of mediocrity, fear in the air as scented aroma.
Coping seems so hard when all you can muse on is how merely every thought triggers your emotional instability.
Life exposes weariness, our focal point should be positivity to avoid insanity.
Parents be kind, children adhere. We are supposed to be a unity, stop the supremacy.

#family #stoptoxicity #voice

Stephanie Du Toit Bio
Keen upcoming writer. Studying Bachelors of English at the University of Science and Technology. An extrovert displaying vulnerability.
“This is not pretense of the ideal version of me, but rather the authenticity of character”. 

Africa Global News Publication

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