1 million species of animals facing extinction, says a UN report

By Samuel Abuya

In what has been termed as a landmark report, the United Nations has indicated that at least one million out of the 8 million species of animals around the world are endangered an could be extinct if nothing much is done to save them.

The UN report says that the growing human populations coupled with their activities on the planed has really eaten into these animals natural habitats and therefore threatening their existence. The scientists who carried out the report says the shrinking habitat, climate change, exploitation of natural resources and pollution are basically the main tools that may finally lead to the extinction of the said one million species of animals.

“It is not too late to make a difference, but only if we start now at every level from local to global,” said Sir Robert Watson, the chairman of the UN committee behind the report, adding that “transformative change” is needed to save the planet.

Recently, we published a story of Caleb Ofori-Boateng, a conservationist from Africa, who won a grant to save the endangered Togo frog which is found in Ghana and Togo. The frog, according to scientists, belongs to the Goliath frogs and is listed among the endangered species of frogs. In the case of the Togo frog, logging and the interference of flowing streams are among the main reasons behind threatening the existence of the Togo frog.

The endangered species include gorillas, the Togo frog as mentioned above and turtles to mention a few.

Africa Global News Publication

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