Football slowly comes back to normal

All over Europe, football is resurfacing. After the decision of Germany to resume the local championship (Bundesliga) with strict safety measures for teams, staff and anyone present in the sports facilities during the game, some other countries finally made up their mind with a return of national leagues, essentially because the Covid-19 pandemic is being correctly handled in those countries, with fewer and fewer cases. According to experts, the disease should now hit Latin America first and foremost.

If German games are constantly being played, as reported in previous articles, with no major health issue fortunately, Italy and Spain should normally follow. Taking Germany as an example, both Southern European countries will soon take back their championship… with empty stands of course.

In Spain, a country devoted to football, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced that the Liga could be played again by the beginning of June. Next week should be the time, and perhaps the opportunity to see Ghanaian midfielder Thomas Partey (Atlético de Madrid) again after such a long period. The struggle between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid at the top of the ranking will be the main center of interest for most Spanish fans, still waiting for some more news about a possible return of the Champions’ League.

In Italy, where the pandemic was severe, we can also catch a glimpse of bright interval. June 13 should be the date, but the government needs to ratify it. In England as well, the Premier League is expected to come back for the month of June, possibly 12 or 19. Discussions are pending.

In Portugal, the league is supposed to restart today with two games. At last, let us remind that four countries decided to stop their football championship a few weeks ago already: France, Scotland, Belgium and the Netherlands. They may be regretting it regarding the evolution of the situation.

By Guillaume Mahot

Africa Global News Publication

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